Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

little revolutionaries

my 6 year old knows nothing about george washington. could give a damn about christopher columbus. i have not wasted her time (or intelligence) teaching her that watered-down and revised story of "american history," that we've allowed ourselves and our children to be bamboozled with for so many decades.

but ask her who harriet tubman is. ask her who malcom x is. marcus garvey. assata shakur. these are the people that are relevant to our lives and our history, and at this early age, when children are impressionable, and curious, and is imperative that we present them with figures who are proud, powerful, community-oriented, and intelligent.

in the future...when she learns about columbus, she will not hear the far-fetched story about how he sailed his ship to an "unknown" land, and discovered it (and the villages of people who were already on the land). she will know him as one of the many europeans who tricked, trapped, raped and killed millions of afrikan men, women and children.

because that's real.

my children will not have 13 years of bullshit to children will not be brainwashed...confined...lied to...institutionalized, and for that...i give thanks.

Sunday, August 2, 2009




i have been loving my dehydrator lately! my dad gave it to me 2 years ago, and i used it occasionally to dry fruits for teas, and to make live brownies. but lately, i have decided to use it for some of the dishes on my menu, and it is working out great! i am playing around in my kitchen lab...mixing up all kinds of delicious creations...trying hard to restrain from eating every last thing that comes off that dehydrator tray.